The station_list file

The station list CSV file is used to describe the point locations at which globsim output is needed.


The station list CSV file uses the following headers for the data columns:

header required? Description
station_number yes An integer. Must be unique within the file.
station_name yes The name of the location. Must be unique within the file.
latitude_dd yes The WGS84 latitude of the location in decimal degrees.
longitude_dd yes The WGS84 latitude of the location in decimal degrees.
elevation_m yes The elevation of the location in metres.
sky_view no The sky-view factor (between 0 and 1) at the location. Used to correct for topographic effects (e.g. if the TOPOscale kernel is used).
slope no The slope of the ground at the location in degrees. Used to correct for topographic effects (e.g. if the TOPOscale kernel is used).
aspect no The slope of the ground at the location in degrees. Used to correct for topographic effects (e.g. if the TOPOscale kernel is used).

Example Siteslist file

Here is an example of a station list file
